short day with many things on
Friday, May 29, 2009
YEAH! Today is the last day of school !!But still have to back to school for other stuff.'sigh...'Anyway, yesterday , my whole day was ruined at school. I don know why but everyone just started becoming angry. I mean, what did i do to make everyone angry??Oh well. No point looking at it i went to Gabriel Yip'S house for a while. Man it was fun there!And his room -- i gotta tell ye. its cool . there are like so many things inhis room which just makes it cool!but as we walked all the way to lower seletar resevoir , only when we got there then we were told that training was cancelled.i was soo pissed that i just felt like shoving a padel into someone's nose.just kidding. Relax.Anyway after that we just talked a lot when we walked back home. it was fun talking and havin fun with Gab. maybe that's the reason why he's cool.But only Gabriel is cool,I forgot to mention bout' today at school. at school cause' we were bored and that jonathan , shih chin and krystian weren't at school . So i started making voice recordings with joel and gabriel. so i recorded joel saying hello for a few seconds which turned out to be funny! Shortly after that we started taking extremely silly and yet funny videos of each other. man it made my stomach hurt for like a minute. haha!oh yeah and of ms lyanna too . cause' today is her last day . 'sob...'man... what a day , you know what i mean?
Matt | 6:24 PM |